Edit with Emacs is an extension for Googles Chrome(ium) browser family that allows you to edit text areas on your browser in a more full featured editor. It does this in conjunction with an 'Edit Server' which services requests by the browser. This is because extensions cannot spawn new processes as a security measure. The extension packages native elisp version that can be run inside GNU Emacs itself, just follow the instructions from the options page of the extension. It has been known to work with GNU Emacs and Aquamacs (MacOS); it is presently not compatible with XEmacs. Other example edit servers can be found at the project homepage. There is no reason why other server scripts could not spawn other editors and currently a number of servers support the simple URL based protocol. This extension is licensed under the GPL v3 and development versions can be found at: http://github.com/stsquad/emacs_chrome v1.17 * fix CSS bug causing repeating edit tags * add a 48x48 icon for the Chrome web store * remove unneeded tabs permission v1.16 Extension * allow disabling of switch to settings behaviour * whitelist penguin.linux.test for edit server (ChromeOS/Crostini) * fix context menu on newer Chromes (#158) * honour edit_server_host instead of hard-coding * use the Chrome extension UI to set keyboard shortcuts. * fix handling of spellcheck=false nodes for Gmail (#171, #162) edit-server.el * use make-frame (see updated docs for edit-server-new-frame-alist)
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Edit with Emacs Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Edit with Emacs Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Rich shortcuts to click links/switch tabs/scroll, capture pages, use your browser like vim for productivity.
Write your email in Markdown, then make it pretty.
The Next Generation Session Manager; A Really Working Too Many Open Tabs Solution; And Your Browsing Notebook.
Edit (or just filter) the currently selected textarea using a web request.
vi editor for any web page.
Write in the browser with your text editor.
A helper for capturing things via org-protocol in emacs: First, set up: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-protocol.html
Adds code intelligence to GitHub, GitLab, and other hosts: hovers, definitions, references. For 20+ languages.
Edit web inputs (including on GMail) with your favourite native text editor.
Switch tabs by typing