Download Git Cheat Sheet chrome extension. Handy Git cheat sheet for easy access to common Git commands and terminology and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct Git Cheat Sheet Crx download for Chrome it is also called Git Cheat Sheet offline CRX for chrome Download. This Git Cheat Sheet is used to Handy Git cheat sheet for easy access to common Git commands and terminology
GitHub on steroids
Git code tree. Support GitHub notifications and git file history
Find misconfigured, web accessible .git directories on websites you browse.
GitHub CommandBar for Chrome. Type 'gh' and a search term to jump to a repository, user or a search. Enjoy the quick access!
Adds functionality to Github for working with the Git-flow workflow.
Extends the Developer Tools, Panel for helping developers with AngularJS helpers.
This extension shows markdown cheatsheet
Adds code intelligence to GitHub, GitLab, and other hosts: hovers, definitions, references. For 20+ languages.
Explore npm dependencies on GitHub repos
Display repo size, size of each file, download link and option to copy file contents