Download Material Simple Dark Grey chrome extension. A simple, darker grey theme with a fully dark header and header bar. and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct Material Simple Dark Grey Crx download for Chrome it is also called Material Simple Dark Grey offline CRX for chrome Download. This Material Simple Dark Grey is used to A simple, darker grey theme with a fully dark header and header bar.
The best dark Chrome theme for your web browser. It's simple and coherent.
The best black theme for Google Chrome that protect your eyes late at night.
True Dark Black Theme, easy for the eyes, fitted for any type of display, but especially for Amoled screens
Smart. Simple. Beautiful Theme.
All black mode for the avid seeker of true darkness
Pure Blacks for AMOLED Screens
A minimalistic dark theme without any distractions
A dark rgb theme with a rainbow neon. 1 edition of 1:00 AM themes featuring active tab highlight.
[I've been using this theme for quite a while; finally deciding to publish it.] I've used loads of dark themes for Chrome before,…
A dark rgb theme with a rainbow neon.