Download Quick Login As chrome extension. Makes it easy to login as another user. Maintains the page currently being viewed. and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct Quick Login As Crx download for Chrome it is also called Quick Login As offline CRX for chrome Download. This Quick Login As is used to Makes it easy to login as another user. Maintains the page currently being viewed.
Redirects the current Salesforce page via a 'key'stroke to the page whose SFID is in your clipboard
Helps you get Ids from records and links to your clipboard
Login as and add Debug Logs to your Salesforce users with an easy searchable interface removing the need to navigate the setup menu.
Various tools to help SFDC admins work more efficiently!
Boost your admin and developer productivity on with Boostr! Current features include: - Ability to search when…
Powerful Salesforce developer tools, loved by over 50K developers worldwide.
This extension provides 'check all' checkboxes on admin pages.
Enhances the Salesforce change set. Adds last changed date and allows sorting, searching, validation and comparison with other orgs.
ORGanizer - The best Salesforce Extension ever
Helps you manage Salesforce login credentials and lets you login with 1 click.