Download Send to Kindle for Google Chrome™ chrome extension. Sending and reading web content such as news articles and blog posts to your Kindle device or reading app is now easier than ever. and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct Send to Kindle for Google Chrome™ Crx download for Chrome it is also called Send to Kindle for Google Chrome™ offline CRX for chrome Download. This Send to Kindle for Google Chrome™ is used to Sending and reading web content such as news articles and blog posts to your Kindle device or reading app is now easier than ever.
The easiest, fastest way to capture articles, videos, and more.
A feature-packed, customizable reader extension.
Export your Amazon Kindle Highlights to your favorite integrations or download to multiple file formats.
Send web articles to your Kindle
A small chrome plugin that let's you easily clip things to Obsidian
Push web articles to your Kindle
See books, music and more at your local library as you browse the internet
Instapaper browser extension to save links for offline reading.
Create custom ebooks from your favorite blogs and websites.
Save PDFs and articles to your Omnivore library