Download Serial Speed Reader chrome extension. A program that will serially display selected text word by word. and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct Serial Speed Reader Crx download for Chrome it is also called Serial Speed Reader offline CRX for chrome Download. This Serial Speed Reader is used to A program that will serially display selected text word by word.
speed read the internet, grok what you need to, faster.
Clean websites from sidebars and ads, read with phrase highlighting.
Improve your reading speed up to 4 times.
Speed read webpages while learning how to speed read anything.
A speed reader that lets you come up for air.
3read allows you to read selected text in 3 dimensions. It can aid in speed reading, if you like.
Speed up your reading!
The easiest way to learn to speed read
Speed Reading
A modern, intuitive speed reader that just works.