Download xkcd #37 chrome extension. This extension actually implements xkcd #37. Yeah, for real. and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct xkcd #37 Crx download for Chrome it is also called xkcd #37 offline CRX for chrome Download. This xkcd #37 is used to This extension actually implements xkcd #37. Yeah, for real.
Making the web a stranger better place.
Replaces animated gifs throughout the internet with gfycat optimized HTML5 videos.
Override the new tab page with an xkcd comic viewer.
Display Reddit's best comments along XKCD strips!
Change your world one word at a time.
Replaces words found from XKCD's comic to make reading the news more fun.
This extension replaces native browser title text with a customizable popup for xkcd images.
Displays the robots.txt and humans.txt for any website.
Replaces the text 'Millennial' with 'Snake People'.