Download XKCD+R chrome extension. Display Reddit's best comments along XKCD strips! and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct XKCD+R Crx download for Chrome it is also called XKCD+R offline CRX for chrome Download. This XKCD+R is used to Display Reddit's best comments along XKCD strips!
This extension actually implements xkcd #37. Yeah, for real.
Making the web a stranger better place.
A suite of modules that enhance your Reddit browsing experience
Get information instantly about websites' terms of service and privacy policies, with ratings and summaries from the
Change your world one word at a time.
WikiMapper - Track and graph your adventures down the Wikipedia rabbit hole.
Replaces the text 'the cloud' with 'my butt', as well as 'cloud' with 'butt' in certain contexts.
Gif Delayer delays playing gifs until they are fully downloaded.
Keep a constant eye on the button countdown.