Colored Hashtag for Trello Chrome Extension

Cards, hashtag, v1, color, title, hashtags, gt, trello, distinguish, card, colored, colors, lt, extension, story

Colored Hashtag for Trello for Chrome Download

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Colored Hashtag for Trello chrome extension is This extension colors hashtagged cards to easily distinguish them.

This extension colors hashtagged cards to easily distinguish them.

A hashtag is useful to categorize cards e.g, in scrum you may add # to specify to which story belongs.

This plugin extracts hashtag in a card title and change cards background color according to it.

This feature enhances visibility and you might be able to distinguish cards at glance.

* There are only 10 preset colors, then if you have 10+ hashtags they would share the same color.

* If multiple hashtags are in a title, the former ones color would be applied.

* v1.0.5 ** Use more robust selector to fetch hashtags in cards title * v1.0.4 ** Newly added cards would be colored without refresh the screen * v1.0.3 ** Performance improvement ** Use the first hashtag in a title to align with Plus for Trello behavior * v1.0.2 ** Drag and drop detection to color moved cards * v1.0.1 ** First release

Colored Hashtag for Trello is deleted from Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is

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