Dont Tread | Anti Mass Surveillance Chrome Extension

Search, mass, surveillance, added, version, queries, extension, constitution, randomly, logic, government, technology, frame, majority, citizens

Dont Tread | Anti Mass Surveillance for Chrome Download

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    offered by Asmithdev
Dont Tread | Anti Mass Surveillance chrome extension is Sends keyword targeted search queries periodically, the goal being to flood mass surveillance systems with useless noise.

sends keyword targeted search queries periodically, the goal being to flood mass surveillance systems with useless noise.

DontTread ========= About: sends keyword targeted search queries periodically, the goal being to flood mass surveillance systems with useless false positives making mass surveillance less feasible for government spying agencies.

This extension has no interface, you simply install it and it sits idly in the background randomly it will construct a varying length string comprised of mass surveillance buzzwords, these are keywords used to look for potential "terrorist" suspects.

It will then randomly choose between major search providers and execute the search query in a hidden frame.

Why: As technology becomes more entrenched in our lives we have also come to learn that technology can also be abused, governments around the world have been using the insecurities of the internet to collect bulk information on their citizens.

In the United States this is a blatant violation of the constitution and not only the letter of the 4th Amendment but the spirit as well.

Its become apparent that a new method needed to be taken, one of disruption and noise.

The majority of new spying powers granted to the government in the wake of 9/11 and other acts of terrorism have been used to revoke privacy of ordinary law abiding citizens.

In the United States this has lead to the use of devices such as stingrays, groping of passengers in airports, constitution free zones, domestic police black sites, and an increase in for profit prisons.

To date the majority of suspects caught by mass surveillance have been for petty drug crimes and there have been no known attacks stopped by mass surveillance.

**Version 1.2 changes:** Randomized search interval Randomized frame size after each search Removed possibly plugin identify items from queries Added support for searches **Version 1.3 changes:** Fixed search interval happening too often **Version 1.4 changes:** Fixed issue with google search, cleaned up logic **Version 1.5 changes: added context menu to let you know extension is running Added donation link Cleaned up logic **Version 1.6 Changes:** Application polish Nicer popup layout **Version 1.7 Changes:** Description updates Added normal words to queries Logic cleanup Normalized screen resolutions Added more search engines

Dont Tread | Anti Mass Surveillance is deleted from Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is

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