Felica IDm Receiver Extension for RC-S380 Chrome Extension

Extension, felica, app, key, id, idm, random, card, data, lite, web, element, challenge, writing, pages

Felica IDm Receiver Extension for RC-S380 for Chrome Download

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Felica IDm Receiver Extension for RC-S380 chrome extension is Sending Felica Card ID to Web pages with IDm Reader App.(Supporting writing id and key).

sending felica card id to Web pages with idm reader app.(supporting writing id and key).

To exchange data with felica cards, you need felica idm reader app for RC-S380.

This extension helps you to sending and recieving data between web pages and reader app.

Features: * sending felica card idm, random chalenge response to web pages from reader app.

* writing felica card user id and Key with reader app.

* The custom event getid is fired when the data recieved, so you can run your own script when recieved data.

* veryfing random challenge response from the card.

(Only for testing) --------------------- How to use --------------------- Please embed html elemnents with following id in your web pages.

The option page and script of this extension is an example of usage, so please check it.

"extension" means "felica idm receiver extension for RC-S380", "app" means "Felica IDm Reader App for RC-S380".

Basically, extension sends requests to app, and recieves the result.

*** Reading IDm *** (Both felica and felica lite-s available) input: startPolling : When its clicked, extension makes app to start reading idm.

output: felicaIDm : IDm is inserted to the value of this element by extension.

This extension fires getid event in this element.

*** Reading user ID *** (Only felica lite-s available) input: getCardId : When its clicked, extension makes app to start reading IDm and user ID.

output: felicaIDm : IDm and user ID are inserted together to the value of this element by extension.

*** Writing user ID and Key *** (Only felica lite-s available) If you dont enter master key and car key version, only user ID will be written.

You cant read card key written in the card directly.

input: felicaUserId : 0 - 281474976710655 integral number felicaCKVInput : 0 - 65535 integral number felicaMasterKey : 24bytes hex number string writeCardId : When its clicked, extension makes app to start writing user id, card key version, and card key.

output: felicaIDm : IDm and user ID are inserted together to the value of this element by extension.

*** Writing Random Challenge *** (Only felica lite-s available) input: authCard : When its clicked, extension sends 16bytes random numbers and makes app to start writing random challenges.

output: felicaIDm : IDm is inserted to the value of this element by extension.

felicaCKV : 16bytes hex numbers string including the card key version is inserted to the value of this element.

felicaRandomNum : random 16bytes hex numbers used in random challenge is inserted to the value of this element.

felicaRandomRes : 16bytes hex numbers random challenge response is inserted to the value of this elemen

Felica IDm Receiver Extension for RC-S380 is deleted from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/. Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/felica-idm-receiver-exten/ligpdgneagdblkhcfaknaiembogfppie

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