Jelly Chrome Extension

Answers, jelly, helpful, people, custom, answer, question, chrome, search, concise, perspectives, unique, offer, free, find

Jelly for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    1.9K +
  • Reviewed by :
    14 Chrome Users
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Jelly chrome extension is Jelly delivers concise, custom answers from real people as you search. It's free. No signup necessary & asking is always anonymous..

jelly delivers concise, custom answers from real people as you search. It's free. No signup necessary & asking is always anonymous..

Add Jelly to Chrome to get concise, helpful answers as you search.


Type your question into the search box.


We’ll instantly find you a helpful answer that matches your question.


If there’s no match, you can request a custom answer from our community with one click.

We send your question to the most knowledgable people in each topic, getting you the most helpful answers.

custom answers address your questions directly, and can offer unique perspectives that shed a whole new light on things.

Asking is always anonymous.

Jelly is free, and you get answers from people who want to help save time by adding jelly to your Chrome browser to make getting answers quick and easy.

Jelly is deleted from Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is

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