JSON Browser Chrome Extension

Schema, json, add, http, schemas, header, extension, browser, link, documents, preventing, xml, uri, application, editor

JSON Browser for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    0.9K +
  • Reviewed by :
    7 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
    Mike Bush
JSON Browser chrome extension is Browse a JSON web with the help of JSON schemas..

Browse a JSON web with the help of JSON schemas..

Browse a JSON web with help from JSON schema & json hyper schema.

Firstly, JSON Browser will prettify json documents to make them much more readable.

Also, it will grab the schema referenced in the http header ie.

"Content-Type: application/json; profile=/schema.json".

It can then use this to provide you with the context of the schema and sub-schemas, and add hyperlinks to other documents or pages.

I hope this will be used for developing browsable, intuitive and self-documenting apis using json schema.

Beta demo : http://blogexample.jsonrest.net/blog/1/ This extension is mainly an integration of the brilliant jsonary library.

http://jsonary.com/ http://json-schema.org/ Logo artwork by Daisy Marie Connop CHANGELOG: * 0.4.2 : Add support for form submission * 0.4.3 : fix bug preventing xml viewer from working * 0.4.4 : Allow user to select schemas * 0.4.5 : take schema uri from link http header * 0.4.6 : Add a schema editor * 0.4.7 : UI fixes for schema editor * 0.4.8 : handle http link headers and allow download of editable schemas * 0.4.9 : edit raw schema json * 0.5 : add browser action button to switch accept header to application/json * 0.6 : Styling and error handling improvements * 0.7 : add fragment highlighting * 0.8 : More meaningful URI in links

JSON Browser is deleted from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/. Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/json-browser/hngfgkmimoikmpohakflgadcajkfnoba

JSON Browser Related Chrome Extensions