loqr - Authentication made Simple Chrome Extension

Loqr, authentication, solution, smartphones, cryptographic, simple, chrome, state, art, receiving, familiar, act, code, secure, danger

loqr - Authentication made Simple for Chrome Download

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loqr - Authentication made Simple chrome extension is Loqr Chrome plugin for the loqr Apps!.

loqr chrome plugin for the loqr Apps!.

At Loqr we love smartphones and we believe in simplicity.

With that, we developed a simple to use authentication solution, using state-of-the-art cryptographic protocols and supported in smartphones.

This solution alleviates the burden of having to type login, passwords and other credentials and/or the danger associated with that act in familiar or unfamiliar desktops.

With Loqr the user simply opts for scanning a QR Code or receiving a Push Notification.

Then a state-of-the-art cryptographic protocol authenticates him behind the scenes and establishes a secure authenticated session.

Its just authentication made simple!

loqr - Authentication made Simple is deleted from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/. Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/loqr-authentication-made/cfbfmpephgdimifahknhdjokpffomdpn

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