MLG-ifier Chrome Extension

Mlg, chrome, fedora, extension, cheeky, ay, reddit, page, updoot, click, pepes, words, og, experience, memes

MLG-ifier for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    79.1K +
  • Reviewed by :
    191 Chrome Users
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MLG-ifier chrome extension is Le Reddit Armie is here to hand out fedoras and MLG pwn sum cheeky scrubs-m80s.

le reddit armie is here to hand out fedoras and mlg pwn sum cheeky scrubs-m80s.

A chrome extension that will turn those cheeky websites into reddit 420 blaze it blunts that mlg pros will find euphoric.

Just click on the fedora in the upper right corner of chrome, and the current website youre on will be MLG-ified.

Dankify your browsing experience with this og extension kush.

Upbusters are appreciated if you like it.

Forgot to like suscrib.

UPDOOT 4.20: Customize your dank memes by right clicking the fedora and going to the options page.

Add your own rare pepes by dragging them to the page.

-ay to ayylmao translation - words ending in ay will become even danker with this updoot.

mlg fedora storm - click the fedora to make it rain MLG bug fixes and improvements

MLG-ifier is deleted from Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is

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