Pivotal Faster Chrome Extension

Story, pivotal, extension, search, tracker, project, stories, link, chrome, clicking, constantly, load, tab, links, aims

Pivotal Faster for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    149 +
  • Reviewed by :
    10 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
    offered by fraser
Pivotal Faster chrome extension is Faster Pivotal Tracker. No more waiting for Pivotal Tracker to load your whole project when following story links!.

faster pivotal tracker. No more waiting for Pivotal Tracker to load your whole project when following story links!.

Note: I believe that pivotal tracker has changed the behaviour since I wrote this extension, and this should now be considered deprecated.

I will unpublish this extension at some point.

We love pivotal tracker.

We use the links to stories constantly (for example, clicking a story link from email threads discussing the story).

However, when you follow a story link, you have to wait for the entire project to load before you get to see the story (which can be a long time for large projects).

This extension aims to resolve that issue.

Each Chrome window will maintain a single tab for each pivotal tracker project.

When you open a link to a pivotal story, a search for the ID of that story is added to the pivotal tracker tab.

Each story is appended to this search, so opening multiple stories doesnt constantly reset your current search.

A nice side-effect of showing stories in the search pane: if you change the storys state (e.g., by clicking Start), it doesnt move!

To see a story within the context of the project, just click the Reveal button on the story.

Pivotal Faster is deleted from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/. Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pivotal-faster/dcipiaegkbohcalmgjkhjjoeofclfcpn

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