PouchDB Inspector Chrome Extension

Pouchdb, fauxton, databases, https, code, github, extension, tools, chrome, source, addon, developer, based, click, vries

PouchDB Inspector for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    7.4K +
  • Reviewed by :
    36 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
    offered by marten94
PouchDB Inspector chrome extension is Inspect all the PouchDB databases on your website in Fauxton, inside the developer tools. The only requirement is you expose….

Inspect all the pouchdb databases on your website in Fauxton, inside the developer tools. The only requirement is you expose….

Inspect all the pouchdb databases on your website in Fauxton, inside the developer tools.

The only requirement is you expose window.PouchDB.

Then just open the developer tools (F12) and click the pouchdb tab.

indexeddb backed databases are supported only (but thats the default anyway).

source code for this addon can be found here (prs welcome!

): - https://github.com/marten-de-vries/pouchdb-fauxton-chrome-extension - https://github.com/marten-de-vries/pouchdb-fauxton-logic - https://github.com/marten-de-vries/pouchdb-fauxton-base The last is based on: - https://github.com/pouchdb/couchdb-fauxton Which is in turn based on: - https://github.com/apache/couchdb-fauxton

PouchDB Inspector is deleted from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/. Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pouchdb-inspector/hbhhpaojmpfimakffndmpmpndcmonkfa

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