Qt Project Support Chrome Extension

Qt, search, results, extension, read, project, api, list, class, thread, topic, qdoc, space, support, forums

Qt Project Support for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    200 +
  • Reviewed by :
    5 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
    offered by berlinbikerx
Qt Project Support chrome extension is Extension to ease the use of Qt Project forums and API docs..

Extension to ease the use of qt project forums and API docs..

This extension adds support for the qt developer network ressources found at http://qt-project.org.

It adds a qt api documentation search shortcut to Chromes omnibox: Just type qdoc + space or tap + the start of the class youre interested in.

A list of matching class names is loaded automatically and presented as a list.

On all pages with search results on the forums (e.g.

posts since last visit, unanswered posts, active topics, results of general searches), you get a “Mark as read” box, on hovering over a certain thread topic.

Just click on the button to make that thread read, so that it doesn’t shop up in the search results anymore.

This functionality is only available for the mentioned search results at the moment, but not on the regular forum listings.

On the options page (screw icon / tools / extensions) of this extension you can choose whether a topic which is "read" with the button is greyed out or entirely hidden and which Qt version should be used for the display of the api docs.

Defaults are to grey out and use the site default of Qt Project.

Qt Project Support is deleted from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/. Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/qt-project-support/mpoinnifdaalghpconbihmjcgpabkjoe

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