RDFa Triples Lister Chrome Extension

Rdfa, extension, amazon, triples, working, bug, release, group, chrome, api, turtle, hat, reasons, added, default

RDFa Triples Lister for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    530 +
  • Reviewed by :
    3 Chrome Users
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RDFa Triples Lister chrome extension is This extension lists all RDF triples on a Website that are embedded in RDFa format..

This extension lists all RDF triples on a Website that are embedded in RDFa format..

==================== please rather use alex milowskis green turtle rdfa extension, which is way more up-to-date and uses a proper rdfa parser: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/green-turtle-rdfa/loggcajcfkpdeoaeihclldihfefijjamhl=en.

Leaving up this one mostly for historic reasons as one of the earlier works around rdfa in the browser.

==================== This extension is based on the rdfa api as published by the rdfa working group at http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-api/.

The author is not affiliated with the Working Group.

In addition to that the extension in the present free version rewrites links to Amazon.com to contain an amazon associate tag if there is not already another associate tag available.

The amazon brand name is property of Amazon.com.

This extension is not associated with or sponsored by the trademark owner.

Known bugs: ========= The extension has some trouble with blank nodes.

Hopefully it is still useful.

We are working to resolve this with (one of) the next release(s).

Changelog: ======== * 0.0.7: - Fixed a bug in the amazon code.


* 0.0.6: - Added support for local files.

Hat tip to @GrantLS.

* 0.0.5: - Added the option to display the triples in the popup (the new default) rather than inline in an iframe.

See the updated screenshots for * 0.0.3: - Under-the-hood changes * 0.0.2: - bug fix release * 0.0.1: - initial release

RDFa Triples Lister is deleted from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/. Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/rdfa-triples-lister/lmojbfnaigeibgkhacnebnpbhddpnoam

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