Speed Learning Chrome Extension

Word, sl, spreadsheet, words, api, learning, vocabulary, permission, select, version, language, speed, google, foreign, previous

Speed Learning for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    783 +
  • Reviewed by :
    12 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
    offered by speedlearning871
Speed Learning chrome extension is An extremely simple tool to help you master a foreign language while browsing the Web..

An extremely simple tool to help you master a foreign language while browsing the Web..

If you have any questions/comments, please email to [email protected] --- Version 2.0.0 --- 1. add the review feature.

--- version 1.0.0 --- 1.

reduce required permission.

Speed learning after 1.0.0 can only access/modify/see files created by itself.


use google drive api instead of google documents list api( which is officially deprecated).


Words will be saved in the spreadsheet sl_vocabulary2 instead of SL_vocabulary.

After reducing permission and using drive api, Speed Learning (1.0.0) no longer can access sl_vocabulary created by previous versions.


If you are users from previous version and want all words collected in one spreadsheet, please manually copy all entries from SL_vocabulary to SL_vocabulary2.

The program will continue to append new words at the end of SL_vocabulary2.

--- version 0.6.1 --- 1.

When you see a word in foreign language you want to learn, select the sentence that contains the word.


Right click on the selection, select "save selected texts to Google Docs."


Grant the permission.


In the dialog, type the word again.


The program will automatically create a spreadsheet and save the {word / sentence / where you see this word} for your future reference.


The spread sheet can be further processed by speed learning 2.0 for interactive vocabulary learning.

Speed Learning is deleted from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/. Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/speed-learning/mgoebobcfmlecmnkediacjlofmbeihaf

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