Spotify Web Player Toggler Chrome Extension

Web, player, extension, tab, chrome, switch, windows, shift, open, quick, icon, desktop, find, clicking, tabs

Spotify Web Player Toggler for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    147 +
  • Reviewed by :
    6 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
    offered by Michael Thelin
Spotify Web Player Toggler chrome extension is This extension switches tabs between Spotify's Web Player and the most recently open tab..

This extension switches tabs between Spotify's Web Player and the most recently open tab..

The use case for this extension is simple: Ive often got 10+ tabs open, sometimes in several chrome windows.

If Im listening to a song in the web player and I want to skip a track or add the currently playing track to a playlist, I need to make a quick context switch to find the tab holding the Web Player, do what I need, and find the tab I was working in again.

This isnt a problem if youre just doing it once or twice a day.

But if youre fortunate enough to listen to music several hours every day, the pain adds up.

This operation is done easily on the desktop client.

Just Alt+Tab to Spotify and Alt+tab back to Chrome.

What this extension tries to do is to make the same switch as quick as when using the desktop client, or maybe even quicker.

Click on the extension icon or use the keyboard short-cut (Command+Shift+S on mac os x, Ctrl+Shift+S on Windows/Linux/Others) to toggle between the Web Player and the tab youre working in.

Clicking on the icon once will open the Web Player, and clicking it again will take you back.

It doesnt matter if the Web Player is in a different chrome window, toggling will switch windows as well.

Spotify Web Player Toggler is deleted from Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is

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