Take A Break Chrome Extension

Break, remind, eyes, coffee, surfing, extension, tool, computer, freshen, headaches, blurred, web, vision, pain, neck

Take A Break for Chrome Download

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    Deleted from Chrome Web store
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    7 Chrome Users
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Take A Break chrome extension is Remind you when to take a break while surfing..

Remind you when to take a break while surfing..

Addicted to the web dont compromise your health!

Continuously staring at the computer can cause headaches, blurred vision, neck pain, fatigue, dry eyes.

"Take A Break" extension tries to help you avoid or reduce these problems.

It reminds you when to take a break while you are surfing the Web.

Features - A little icon on the tool bar will be flashing every 15 minutes to remind you a short break.

You should sit back and close your eyes, or look outside the window for a while.

- A pop-up dialog will remind you a big break every hour.

You should stand up, get a cup of coffee, do some stretching, or go freshen up.

- You can adjust the timers according to your own needs.

Take A Break is deleted from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/. Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/take-a-break/kfcgkgmiedhpoalhpmalhjjcnhpkapgl

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