Unicorn Apocalypse Chrome Extension

Chrome, midi, quot, extension, note, webpage, screen, instrument, click, unicorns, boring, fancy, prank, apocalypse, work

Unicorn Apocalypse for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    3.4K +
  • Reviewed by :
    193 Chrome Users
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Unicorn Apocalypse chrome extension is Fill your screen with unicorns and rainbows every time you click. Prank your friends, or fancy up those boring webpages at work..

Fill your screen with unicorns and rainbows every time you click. Prank your friends, or fancy up those boring webpages at work..

This extension will fill your screen with unicorns and rainbows every time you click the webpage or play a midi note on your musical instrument.

Prank your friends, or use it as a little pick-me-up to fancy up those boring webpages at work.

TO DISABLE: Go to Tools->Extensions, find "unicorn apocalypse" and uncheck "Enabled".

The unicorns dont appear until you click/play a note several times on a webpage.

This makes it more of a surprise for whoever youre pranking!

Note: To trigger with a midi instrument requires you to enable midi support in Chrome.

See the options screen for details.

Based on the Cornify!!

Chrome Extension by tim macfarlane.

Source: https://github.com/odbol/cornify_chrome

Unicorn Apocalypse is deleted from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/. Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unicorn-apocalypse/jgbeommbklbmegmcncgbnphkcbpibfma

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