Lightweight and open source extension that converts the term '4k' to 'Butt' all over the web. Written originally by /u/Killeri404 Compiled and released by me, on his behalf Version 1.0.1: - Initial Release
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the 4k To Butt Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the 4k To Butt Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Watch videos automatically in HD quality! Supported up to 720p/4k/8k.
Simple Auto HD quality selector for YouTube. Up to 8k/4k (60fps/50fps/48fps/30fps) supported.
This extension is powerful tool that will let you play all videos in HD and change video player size automatically.
Automatically set the video quality on YouTube according to its FPS!
Simple Auto HD quality selector for YouTube. Up to 8k/4k (60fps/50fps/48fps/30fps) supported. Theater mode.
Enhance your video color everywhere you watch! Just drag and drop any available filters, connect and tweak to make a magical result.
Make YouTube videos automatically play in HD, Repeat YouTube videos automatically, and Open any YouTube video in a popout window.
Automatically change YouTube video quality to HD resolution or the highest available one