Create some breathing room. Manage and organize the extension buttons on your toolbar by adding a blank space, a divider icon, or your own keyboard icon.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the 4th Toolbar Spacer Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the 4th Toolbar Spacer Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
This extension helps you better find and navigate through Chrome pages by offering a better, cleaner and smarter menu.
A partition icon for spacing the extension buttons on your toolbar
A partition icon for spacing the extension buttons on your toolbar
A button for everything.
Button bar, combining downloads, bookmarks, extensions, history, view source, print, and more from a single button. Awesome!
A partition icon for spacing the extension buttons on your toolbar
A partition icon for spacing the extension buttons on your toolbar
Awesome button to open the Chrome extensions in a new window or tab. If the extensions page is already open, that tab is selected.