9GAG makes having fun a part of daily life for anyone, anytime, anywhere in the world. This extension shows the latest HOT fun on 9GAG and you can: * Use your keyboard left and right arrow keys to view the previous and next fun * Share the fun with friends via Facebook, Twitter, email, etc * Turn on/off the pop up notifications * Support GIF No need to hide 9GAG from your boss or teacher because all the fun is visible right in your browser: * All the HOT fun is shown in a small window with one click * A red number in your bookmark bar lets you know how much HOT fun you havent read * Click on the fun to go to 9GAG to have even more fun WARNING: Keep your poker face. Dont laugh too loud.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the 9GAG Mini Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the 9GAG Mini Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Night-mode for the internet. Apply a highly-visible dark theme to all webpages. Helps with eye strain and dyslexia.
The easiest way to have even more fun on 9GAG!
Watch up to 20 webcams or CCTV cams within your browser.
Strike the web!
Shows a rock hand cursor instead of the normal hand cursor on links.
Play snake at anytime just by opening a new tab
such god doge
Night mode for the 9gag website!