AdTech Ad Inspector allows you to monitor and view Google Publisher Tag (GPT) ad units and their associated targeting on web pages (such as ad unit code, ad size, and custom targeting), The extension should work on all GPT instances that utilise the standard ad tagging library. AdTech Ad Inspector builds upon the foundations of the Forbes ad inspector project and further enhances it with bug fixes and all new features including: Google Ad Manager Real-time view of Google Ad Manager ad delivery, ad units, page and slot targeting. Video.js Real-time view of Video.js ad delivery JW Player Overview of your JW Player instance, including ad delivery and config data. Prebid.js Comprehensive view of your prebid.js header bidding auctions and bidders. Consent Management Platform (TCF) Shows user consent data, including addtlConsent, consentString, gdprApplies, googleConsent. Consent Management Platform (USP) Shows user consent data, including uspString, version, ccpaApplies. Lotame (DMP) Overview of your lotame instance, including audience segments, ID and config data. Permutive (DMP) Overview of your permutive instance, including audience segments, ID and config data. This application uses Open Source components from the Forbes Ad Inspector project. We acknowledge and are grateful to these developers for their contributions to open source. More Details:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the AdTech Ad Inspector Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the AdTech Ad Inspector Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
An industry-leading ad ops extension that allows publishers to view data on their AdExchange and Prebid Ads.
Provides details about Prebid bids and events. Includes BidFilter integration, allowing publishers to block unwanted ads.
Load faster. Earn more with header bidding.
Troubleshoot your ad tags and scale your revenue.
Extension to validate your prebid.js setup, list AdUnits and bids, visualise latencies and timings of your webpages header-bidding…