Never waste time watching sponsored by parts of YouTubes videos. Our users share commercial segments of YT videos, moderate each others contributions, and compete. When you watch a video that our users have already processed, all ads will be marked in it so you can skip them! AWN is basically a database of advertising segments that is updated and moderated by extension users. Youtubers around the world earn money by inserting ads into their videos. Sometimes its just an honest sale of screen time, but most often the bloggers opinion is bought, so the YouTuber tries to sell you a product using your trust in him. A small group of YouTubers treat advertising as a way of self-expression and make a very high-quality content while some YouTubers advertise fraud without worrying about their reputation. The main goal of the project is to collect information on HOW and WHAT bloggers advertise. When enough data has been collected, the community will be able to identify conscientious bloggers, and the extension will alert you about bloggers who repeatedly advertised controversial products or were involved in cheating their viewers for money. With your help, we will create a database of YouTubers around the world who earn money by selling the trust of viewers, in order to distinguish honest creators from abusers of your trust! ? Links * GitHub:
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Skip sponsorships, subscription begging and more on YouTube videos. Report sponsors on videos you watch to save others' time.
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