Download Alt+Up chrome extension. Go to parent address. Use Alt+Up to move up one level like in many file browsers. and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct Alt+Up Crx download for Chrome it is also called Alt+Up offline CRX for chrome Download. This Alt+Up is used to Go to parent address. Use Alt+Up to move up one level like in many file browsers.
A history stack that doesn't discard the forward entries when you navigate.
enables auto-parsing and navigation of current url
Allows you to quickly navigate up levels in a web site address.
Adds the button Go Up into the page site.
A button for everything.
This extension allows you to navigate any URL in a breadcrumb-like way.
Easily add bookmarks to any category. Includes spotlight-like search with mouse/'key'board support. Default 'key': cmd+b (win:ctrl+b)
Allows you to navigate any paged website using the left and right 'key'board 'key's.
Navigate UP through the levels of the current site via button or 'key'board (ctrl+alt+u).
Go to parent address. Use Alt+Up (Shift = +1, Ctrl = +2 levels) or click the icon (many times = many levels).