If you wish to temporarily hide GoUp bar, please press right mouse button on GoUp. Version 1.1.6: - added a new option to show/hide the Go back button; Version 1.1.4: - some fixes; Version 1.1.3: - some fixes; Version 1.1: - added compact style; - added options for animation and compact style; - updated style; Version 1.0.1: - added animation; - right mouse click for temporarily hide; - some fixes;
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the GoUp Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the GoUp Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Scroll to top, bottom, or both. Click extension icon, on-page button, use context menu options, and/or 'key'board shortcuts.
Scroll to top and vice versa in a window.
enables auto-parsing and navigation of current url
Click on the left border of any page for scroll to the top.
Quickly scroll to top or bottom of the page and then return to the previous position.
Scroll UP to the top of the page.
Simply scrolling to top or bottom
Scrolls instantly to top.
Navigate UP through the levels of the current site via button or 'key'board (ctrl+alt+u).
Go to parent address. Use Alt+Up (Shift = +1, Ctrl = +2 levels) or click the icon (many times = many levels).