This extension protects against web pages tracking the activity state of the page. Some websites use this track to only offer services when the tab is active. By installing this extension a small script is injected into every webpage which overwrites the 'document.visibilityState', and 'document.hidden' properties to pretend the tab is always in the active state (document.visibilityState = visible and document.hidden = false). This is useful for the webpages that check your visibility state before loading resources like many music webpages. By installing this extension even if the page is opened in the background page, the player will start immediately like the page is loaded on an active tab. Supported Trackings: document.mozHidden (only on Firefox browser) document.webkitHidden (only on Chromium browsers) Supported Events: 1. visibilitychange 2. webkitvisibilitychange (only on Chromium browsers) 3. mozvisibilitychange (only on Firefox browser) 4. blur (some websites require the user to keep the tab focused) 5. mouseleave (some websites use this method to make sure the user pointer is inside the window) Notes: At the moment there is no exception list, so the extension injects the script on all HTTP and local HTML pages. You need to disable the extension from the options page if you need to bypass the default always active behavior. On Chromium browsers, you can also limit the script injection to a few hostnames by using the right-click context menu item called 'This Can Read and Change Site Data' over the browser action button.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Always active Window - Always Visible Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Always active Window - Always Visible Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Add-on to disable the Page Visibility API. This prevents conferencing systems from tracking if you are currently in another window.
Enable copy paste on websites that have disabled copy paste.
Allow selection and copy, right click and paste on any webpage with copy protection
Prevents the blocking of copying from & pasting into input fields
Force Enable Right Click & Copy
Shows total active tabs, shows a searchable list of all tabs, jump immediately to a tab, allows for closing tabs and windows.
AI Agent for Chrome. ChatGPT Plus / GPT-4 copilot on any website. Automate, search, summarize, translate, write on websites with AI.