Amazon Shopping Assistant Chrome Extension

Amazon Shopping Assistant chrome extension

Amazon Shopping Assistant for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    1K +
  • Reviewed by :
    15 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
  • ['', 'True', 'dcai900']
Amazon Shopping Assistant chrome extension is The extension is shown on Amazon product pages to help you make the right decision..
Since 0.5.0 - The AmzVar has been rebranded to 'Amazon Shopping Assistant' (previously it was called 'Price Checker of Amazon Variations') The new extension does not provide the price list of Amazon Variations, but it allows you to check the price history of most products, prices from different sellers, and alternatives from other websites. We hope it could help you to make the right decision.
Sep 3, 2022

Because Amazon does not allow its API to be used in the Browser Extension, AmzVar no longer works as before. We are looking for new ideas, in the meantime, you might continue to use AmzVar to check the Price History and All Prices of the current product.
Apr 9, 2018

The amzvar - Before you buy, lets do some research...

Currently works for &, i.e., United states & Canada region.


Youre buying a swimming jammer. When you land on a jammer product page, it shows the price of $14 - $35, but it doesnt tell the specific price until you select the size and color, and then it takes you a lot of clicks to find out the one that was $14, but actually, its not the right size for you.  

Does this scenario sound familiar? If so, you come to the right place. 

The amzVar was born to solve this issue. It pops up when you are viewing products that have variations on Amazon, provides the list of variations (for example, color and size) sorted by price, and saves you a lot of time to find the lowest price. 

Since V0.2.0, it also includes price history powered by camelcamelcamel. Note that not all products have a price history available.

Since V0.3.0, it shows product recommendations when the product does not have variation.

The amzVar Chrome Extensions key features include: 

- List variation sorted by price
- Filter variation by size
- Add to cart button to get a special price (*not* include shipping and tax, so please double check before checkout) 
- Provide the link to see all offers to compare the price with shipping and tax

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Change logs:
**Version 0.4.0 (3/26/2018)**
1. Rename to Price Checker instead of Price Viewer.
3. Added rate us icon - please rate us 5 stars if you like amzVar!
3. Style fixes

**Version 0.3.4 (3/19/2018)**
Minor fixes of Toggle icons.
**Version 0.3.3 (2/23/2018)**
Fixed draggable open/close icon. It now needs to *press the 'Shift' key* to drag, so it will not mess up when you click.
**Version 0.3.0 (2/11/2018)**
This is a major update!!!
1. The trigger icon (orange arrow icon) is draggable. In case it blocks something, you can move it down or up. :-)
2. On the non-variation product page, we show recommendations now.
3. A lot of optimizations.
**Version 0.2.7 (2/7/2018) **
Show landing on other pages to be consistent
Align checkbox with text
Reduce delay to auto popover to be 0.5 sec
**Version 0.2.5 (1/1/2018) **
No kidding! Its 2018. Happy new year!
**Version 0.2.2 (11/23/2017)**
Fixed auto pop checkbox style in Windows.
**Version 0.2.2 (11/23/2017)**
Fixed empty box shown on old Chrome browser. - Happy Thanksgiving from AmzVar!
**Version 0.2.2 (11/22/2017)**
Do auto pop again and add a 1-sec delay - always you can disable it if you dont like it.
Update name to be the first Cap to all.
**Version 0.2.0 (11/16/2017)**
Added price history powered by camel3
Use Jackets as an example since the weather is getting cold. :-)
Turned off auto popover by default

**Version 0.1.9 (11/14/2017)**
Fixed amzTag to show landing page

**Version 0.1.8 (11/7/2017) **
Small fixes - It has been a year - new feature coming soon.
**Version 0.1.7 (11/29/2016) **
Move the auto-open option to the bottom
Fixed auto open settings bug

**Version 0.1.5 (11/19/2016) **
By default, auto displays the sidebar, and you can change behavior via settings.
Fallback to search in the case there are no recommendations found.
Shorten footer bar

**Version 0.1.3 (11/15/2016)**
Internal AID updated

**Version 0.1.2 (11/14/2016)**
Improve performance to display view example popup

**Version 0.1.1**
Show a different popup when the user is already on the Amazon website

**Version 0.1.0**
Improve performance
Add an example link on the popup window

**Version 0.0.9**
A bug fix - no more empty pop-ups on some product pages.

**Version 0.0.8 (11/6/2016) **
Initial public version

AMAZON VARIATIONS. VIEWER prehistory Potomac Prime members dozen $19.99 amazon Departments amazon Departments $167.28

How to install Amazon Shopping Assistant chrome extension in chrome Browser

You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Amazon Shopping Assistant Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.

  • Step 1: Go to the Chrome webstore or download the extension Amazon Shopping Assistant Chrome Extension Download from
  • Step 2: Now search for the Amazon Shopping Assistant in Chrome Webstore Search and click on the search button.
  • Step 3: click on the Amazon Shopping Assistant Chrome Extension Link
  • Step 4: in the next page click on the Add to Chrome button to Download and Install the Amazon Shopping Assistant extension for your Chrome Web browser .

Amazon Shopping Assistant Chrome extension Download

Looking for a method to Amazon Shopping Assistant Download for Chrome then this download link is for you.

It is the Amazon Shopping Assistant Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.

Download Amazon Shopping Assistant chrome extension (CRX)

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