With this extension, you can easily focus the image you want to see into another dimension. And around this image you see a glow around that matched with the content of the photo. Just like the Ambilight TV from the company Phillips but here for your favorite photos. Ambient Aurea is a lightweight and useful add-in designed to get a fast a gallery of the images on that website. A good new way to shows your photograph in a vivid glow effect. Ambient Aurea is built up with the engine of the most popular browser extension Turn Off the Lights. It is great tool for users with ADHD mental disorder and concentration problem. A few great features in this browser extension: + Click on the Mountain button, and it shows you a gallery of all the images. + Option to change the layer color and his opacity in the options page. + Option to shows the selected photo in a Vivid Mode effect. + Option to shows the Share Bar, to share the current image on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter. It is a tool that all photographers need to isolate the rest of the web. That is also from not professional photographer. Project Information: https://www.stefanvd.net/project/ambient-aurea/browser/ Required Permissions: 'contextMenus': This to add the 'go to Ambient Aurea' menu item in the web browser context menu. 'tabs': This is needed for the following features: to show you the welcome and guide page, and to open the Options page. 'storage': This to save the settings on your local computer, and to sync it to your web browser account. 'http://*/*', 'https://*/*': This to control the button on all websites that include http, and https. Dont forget to like & Follow Us: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ambientaurea Twitter https://twitter.com/ambientaurea Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/ambientaurea <<< Option feature >>> To protect your eyes at night and to get focus on the video player such as YouTube™. Its recommend to use and install the Turn Off the Lights for YouTube and Beyond https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bfbmjmiodbnnpllbbbfblcplfjjepjdn
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Ambient Aurea for Google Chrome Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Ambient Aurea for Google Chrome Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Add the best menu bar to get easy and fast access to all your useful browser options and internet products!
The best clock to see in one glance the current date and time. With an option to see the digital clock in the browser toolbar.
This extension provides a nice 'rain' effect on your splash page.
Your personal menu !
Allows opening local folders and show containing images in a gallery slideshow
Adds a right-click direct download item for images, like Safari.
Button bar, combining downloads, bookmarks, extensions, history, view source, print, and more from a single button. Awesome!
Immersive yourself in YouTube™ videos with ambient light!
One click slideshow from any page with image links including: Google Images, Instagram and a save all feature!
Transforms any page with links to images in a gallery with thumbnails and lightbox viewer. Added Links Generator.