If you are using the Amboss learning system, this extension helps you to print your learning cards by formatting them for the printer. Simply open up a learning card in Chrome and open Chromes printing dialog (Ctrl+P) This extension is dedicated to Julia! <3 by Christian Amann and Martin Perzl
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Amboss printer Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Amboss printer Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
One click print current TAB, selected content on a website and also Google emails.
This extension provides the ability to create anki cards directly from Google Chrome on your Anki Desktop.
Select a text and print it to PDF via mouse right-click.
Edit web pages prior to printing. Delete, hide and format elements. Edit text. Remove adverts and sidebars.
Local network printing for Chrome and Chromebooks
Pop-up explanations for medical terms on any website, including question banks and medical journals.
Convert entire website to PDF file
Local network printing administered through the G Suite console.