Animalese reads your key typing out loud in the voice heard in the Animal Crossing game series. After adding to Chrome, click the Tom Nook icon (to the right of the search bar) to activate it for the currently open tab. It should work on most websites and you can only hear it if you have sound on. Pages it does not seem to activate on are: Twitter Discord Currently this only supports the voice from Animal Crossing: Wild World Most code borrowed from:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Animalese - Animal Crossing speak Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Animalese - Animal Crossing speak Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Animal Crossing live backround
An extension to randomly play ambient music, such as the music from Minecraft.
Why Not
Tommy Nook occasionally chimes in.
Replaces all error pages with dogcheck from Undertale
Plays animal crossing villager sounds whenever you type!
Animal Crossing cursor for chrome. New browser experience with custom Animal Crossing cursor. Created for Animal Crossing game fans.
An easy to use Google Chrome plugin to automatically remove and replace deadnames