- We block pornographic & erotic web sites and pages in social networks - We block sites harmful for human body (drugs, smoking blends etc.) - We block malicious website (virus, scumware) - We block phishing websites - We block search requests as (porn etc.) - We block video with profanity on 'YOUTUBE' - Every day we update our data base with malicious websites - You do not need to set up filters - we have already done it for you - Web sites which do not fall under filters can be already arrested by us - You can join us and help us to make - Internet clean as a lot of volonteers already do
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Anti-Porn PoliceWeb.AI Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Anti-Porn PoliceWeb.AI Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
We’ll protect you and your children against pornographic and malicious websites
Anti-porn website blocker. block porn sites, Protect from offensive content and sex-adult websites.
Online security against malware, phishing and malicious websites.
Web filter and parental control. Blocker for porn, malicious and adult sites.