Quick access to create documents and save in Drive.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Apps for Google Drive Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Apps for Google Drive Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
D-ToolBox, Shortcuts to create Google Drive documents and download as pdf, docs, xlsx, etc.. your google document.
Make your Drive experience Awesome!
Add support to the omnibox to search in Google Drive.
Create new files for Google Drive from your browser bar.
Import web documents directly to Google Drive. Ideal for white sheets, raw files, and other web-available documents.
Advanced search for Google Drive.
Automatically hide the Explore or Research Pane and Image Search in Google Docs
One click unlocks a faster, more convenient dashboard for your Google Drive files with this free browser extension!
Create new Documents for Google Drive from your browser bar.
An extension that will allow the quick and easy launching of Google services, the same as the launcher in Gmail