For ArXiv PDF / abstract tabs: - Renames the title to papers title automatically in the background. (Originally is meaningless paper id, or start with paper id) - Add an action button to open its corresponding abstract / PDF page. (Originally is hard to get back to abstract page from PDF page) - Add a direct download link on abstract page, click it to download the PDF with the title as filename. (Originally is paper id as filename) - Open the paper in extra services such as ar5iv and arXiv Vanity. - Better title even for bookmarks! - Firefox has strict restrictions on PDF.js. So it doesnt work well with OneTab, the PDF renaming is achieved by intercepting requests and show the PDF in a container. The bookmark works well though. - Works well with native tab search Permissions: - `tabs`: On extension button click, open a new tab and move it to the right of the old active tab. - `activeTab`: Read active tabs title and modify it using the tabs url. - `storage`: Save extension configurations. - `contextMenus`: When right-click the extension button, show a help menu item. - `scripting`: Inject content scripts to existing tabs. - `*://*`: Inject content scripts to existing tabs. - `*://*`: Inject content scripts to existing tabs. - `*://*`: Inject content scripts to existing tabs. - `*://*`: Inject content scripts to existing tabs.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the arxiv-utils Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the arxiv-utils Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
?? Get implementation code for AI and other research papers directly on Google Search, ArXiv, Scholar, PubMed, IEEE...
Set titles of papers on arXiv as
? View information about research papers linked from websites you visit.
Writefull is automated proofreading for academic writing. This version of Writefull provides support for Overleaf.
Add an arXiv Vanity link to arXiv abstract pages.
arxive is all you need; download papers with your settings.
An extension to show code implementations from Papers with Code directly in Google Scholar.