Take Notes and screenshot from YouTube, Udemy wiki and every website in just One Click. ****** UPDATE ****** ★ Works in Fullscreen ★ Change Auto-Snap and Auto-Notes interval Settings ★ New Floating Editor Mode ★ New Shortcuts added ★ Transparency Mode — Make your editor transparent ★ Auto Snap — Automatically takes screenshot, in just a minute or two your notes are ready ★ Image To Text — Now see already made notes from different people ★ All Website — Take Screenshot on every website wikipedia, Udemy and more ****** END****** Askify is #1 Youtube Note taking App Include High quality Screenshots, Timestamps and subtitles and boost your note taking ability In addition, it offers more features like High quality screenshot even if you are viewing video in low quality. Askify for Chrome works directly in Youtube, Just install and forget Enhance your Note taking skills for business correspondence, academic documents and social writing. ★ Screenshot — Take screenshot at any time. Screenshot will always be of high quality even if you are viewing video in data saver mode. ★ Write/Crop — You can write on screenshot and crop it however you like. ★ Time-Stamp —Insert timestamp any time you want, just click on timestamp button to take it. ★ AutoNotes — Take automatic notes with timestamp in just one click. ★ Markdown & Shortcuts — Take lightning fast notes without leaving keyboard. ★ App, Mobile and Desktop — Askify is available in App(Android), Mobile and Desktop, Sync across all devices. ★ Organise, Save and Reflect — Organise your notes, save and reflect upon it. ★ Export — Export to PDF, Markdown and share your notes with anyone -------------------- Important Note: -------------------- Askify respects user privacy and our terms of use do not require additional security permissions. ----------------------------------------------- Enjoy Askify everywhere you write! ----------------------------------------------- Askify is available on Chrome, Android mobile devices and iPhones. Download Askify for free at https://askify.video -------------------------------------------------- More Features -------------------------------------------------- ★ Dictation — No need to type just speak and its done.(Hindi +8 languages) ★ Insert Custom Image — Just paste/insert image from anywhere inside editor ★ Make multiple notes of same video or continue same notes in multiple videos ★ Drag and Collapse — Drag editor all around the website also collapse and expand as you see fit.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Askify - Youtube Notes Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Askify - Youtube Notes Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Use ChatGPT directly on the website, even on YouTube! Add AI Copilot and get more done with your personal AI assistant/AI Companion.
Take notes at the speed of your thoughts!
Navigate inside YouTube videos using chapters
Your productivity tool. Plan what you need and focus on getting it done.
Take timestamped notes and screenshots from videos on YouTube and many other platforms
Most efficient way to take & share time-stamped notes while watching videos!
Video notetaking powered by OpenAI API on YouTube, Google Meet, Udemy & more!
Take timestamped notes easily while watching videos
The Simplest Way to Take Notes on YouTube Videos!