Supported CRM => VtigerCRM Supported Telephonic Server => Vici Dial ( Preductive Dialer ) Features => Click to Call with Vici Web phone => Call Log in CRM ( Including campaigns Call Logs ) => Call Report => Call relation with records in CRM => Call Pop up with All information ( Including Predictive campaigns Call ) => Call Recording in crm => Call Notes => Other function like Call Transfer, Hang up, Create Meeting, Contact, Lead, Account, case, task and Schedule Call. Contact Us: Email: Skype: tech.extension Website:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Asterisk CTI Phone Extension for Vtiger CRM Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Asterisk CTI Phone Extension for Vtiger CRM Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Calls a phone number highlighted on a web page using Asterisk PBX
This chrome extension use for click to call any number from chrome browser developed by TechExtension (
It enables click-to-dial to the phone numbers detected in the web pages and originates calls.
Make phone numbers clickable and initiate calls from Zoiper.
Integration supports CRM & Asterisk Server( FreePBX, Elastix, Vici Dial etc).
Vtiger for Gmail TM
FOP2 lets you monitor your Asterisk PBX extension status, launch popups and add click to call capabilites to any web page/app.
It is provide click to call from any web page in browser.
Click to Call dialing from web pages, integration with any softphone, screen pops in Salesforce and other CRMs
Turns phone numbers in any web page into click-to-dial links.