Code is available here as open source: [] An extension that automatically mutes tabs while ad audio from YouTube is playing for those who want to support their favorite content creators without the noise. Relatively intuitive, the addon is enabled by default. Features: - Mutes ads - Can skip ads that are skippable (i.e. ones that show the Skip Ad button) (Disabled by default) - Hides ad banners that appear in middle of videos by just moving them off screen
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Auto Ad Mute Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Auto Ad Mute Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
App skips Ads automatically. Automatically skips ads in 5 seconds, Hides Ad Banner. Locks Pre-roll. Youtube adblock
Automatically clicks on skip button on YT video ads
This app clicks Skip Ad button on Youtube automatically. Automatic skipper works ONLY on Youtube.
Automatically mute and skip YouTube™ video ads
Pule os Anúncios do Youtube Automaticamente. Evite AdBlock!
Turn off YouTube autoplay next video and disable YouTube annotations on videos.
A small extension to disable YT video titles autotranslation.
Automatically close ads on youtube videos after an amount of seconds.
YouTube Ad Skipper is an extension that auto skips ads after YouTube provides a skip ad button. It does not block an ad.