This simple & lightweight extension that help you auto select all standard checkbox or radio on your web page. We also support shortcut key for easy and quick access. Detail: why this lightweight? because we only inject content script to active page when you click on the browser action icon, and we do not use any JavaScript library or framework at all Change Log: Version 2.1: - Support iframe with external url Version 2.0 - Support shortcut keys - Support click event method - Bug fixes Please email me if have any problem:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Automatic Checker Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Automatic Checker Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
One-click form filler that supports multiple profiles and regular expression rules
Add an input before every
U can check once by dragging.
Click (emphasis on the 'CLICK', not just CHECK) all checkboxes on a page, firing any click events that may be attached to them.
Select/deselect multiple checkboxes by click and drag!