Bring your trading to next level by connecting your favourite exchanges to TradingView. By utilizing TradingViews Alert messages, you will be able to execute trades in real-time. Bringing your market analysis and profits together. This extension uses affiliate programs, which means we earn a small commission at no extra cost to you when you trade through a broker provided by our extension. For the best support, please create a support ticket: You may also visit our Discord server: Exporting and importing credentials allows for ease of backing up and recovery. For the complete change log, please refer to Autoviews Options page. Syntax Builder can be found in Autoviews Options page (using 'Change Settings' in the Autoview popup or on your Chrome Extensions page). The Alert Syntax is also available on our website:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Autoview Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Autoview Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Sends alerts into Telegram/Discord/MT4/MT5/FXTS2 as orders, alerts or channel posts
Automation for TradingView
Automation & Shadow Trading for Cryptocurrency using TradingView
Enables trading when you sleep
Optimise TradingView Strategies An assistant for optimising (Optimize) & backtesting trading strategies in Tradingview
An assistant for backtesting trading strategies and showing external signals in Tradingview
Advanced TradingView automation, order and position management.
Automated Backtesting Tool