It is a shortcut button to open the Chrome history page.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Awesome History Button Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Awesome History Button Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A nice and modern look for browser's history page.
Awesome button to open your Chrome downloads in a new window or tab. If the downloads page is already open, that tab is selected.
A simple history in a one click pop-up: view your recent browser history, recently closed tabs, most visited pages, recent bookmarks
Restore, filter or remove recently closed tabs, windows and history including those from other devices.
Button bar, combining downloads, bookmarks, extensions, history, view source, print, and more from a single button. Awesome!
A simple Chrome history manager.
Undo closed tabs with your browsing history
Show the relevant pages in your browsing history while searching on Google or viewing any web page.
Awesome button to open the Chrome extensions in a new window or tab. If the extensions page is already open, that tab is selected.
Open the History Page with just one click.