Axiad Portal Extension is a bridge between Axiad Unified Portal and the OS Smart Card interface to allow users to issue and manage their security devices, smart cards, and tokens.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Axiad Portal Extension Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Axiad Portal Extension Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
ActivID Credential Management System Extension
Provides integration for Cyber-Ark products with the user's clipboard. (C) Cyber-Ark Software, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Send Felica and Mifare card ID to web pages by just clicking the button.
Smart cards access from Web browsers
Collects and displays SAML messages
VASCO Smart Card Reader Chrome Extension
Enable the IDEMIA's smartcard on the web.
Provides the payShield Manager web application with access to the host’s PC/SC smart card reader.
A debugger for viewing SAML messages