Adds a 'Base64 decode selection' menu item to the context menu, enabling you to conveniently decode and copy Base64 text to your clipboard in one action. Usage instructions: 1. In your browser window, select the Base64-encoded text you would like to decode. 2. Right-Click and select 'Base64 decode selection'. 3. A confirmation box will appear. If successful, the decoded text will be displayed in the confirmation box and copied to your clipboard to be pasted where needed.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Base64 decode & copy Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Base64 decode & copy Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Gato Base 64 Encoder / Decoder encodes to and decodes from Base 64 format.
A base64 encoder/decoder extensions for the chrome
Dcinside Integrated Broadcast Environment
Decodes Base64 strings. Highlight the string and right-click.
Image Search Options for Chrome provides a set of highly customizable reverse image search context menu options.
Go to base64 encoded link by Right Click
Encodes and decodes media to and from Base64.