Download Battlelog Servers Blacklist chrome extension. This extension allows you to create your own blacklist of banned Battlefield series servers. and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct Battlelog Servers Blacklist Crx download for Chrome it is also called Battlelog Servers Blacklist offline CRX for chrome Download. This Battlelog Servers Blacklist is used to This extension allows you to create your own blacklist of banned Battlefield series servers.
Best way to manage your YouTube subscriptions perfectly!
We’ll protect you and your children against pornographic and malicious websites
Displays the count of your Battlelog friends in the extension's badge, by status: in game, online or offline.
Watch up to 20 webcams or CCTV cams within your browser.
Makes servers with spoofed player counts visible and displays the proper, actual player count in place of the spoofed playercount!
Extends the profiles of Battlefield Play4Free
Bądź na bieżąco z informacjami ze świata Battlefielda! Dziel swoją pasję wspólnie z KromkąChleba i Mestre, redaktorem BFCentral.
This extension automatically connects BF4 clients
Changes the new Battlelog.