NOTE: I do not plan to update this extension to Manifest V3, meaning it will no longer be compatible with Chrome 127+ (June 2024). Chrome Dev Tools built-in Snippets editor has a lot of the same functionality (click the Sources pane, then choose Snippets in the left sidebar) if you also 'Show console drawer' (hit Escape). It should be possible to get a horizontal layout using something like this: ---- Adds a panel to the Chrome Developer Tools that provides a multi-line split console, like in Firefox. Includes: - Vertical split style multiline REPL - Syntax highlighting and nice editor things thanks to Ace Editor - Pretty-printed output - 'Run' button or CTRL+Enter to execute code - 'Clear' button to clear REPL - 'History' drop-down to restore previously executed code Compared to Chrome Dev Tools built-in Snippets editor, BigConsole aims to help users iterate and try out code faster. Where Snippets is more like a light IDE, BigConsole is simpler and geared towards iterating on code as quickly as possible in a multiline, syntax-highlighted REPL. The code is available at
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the BigConsole Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the BigConsole Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Toggle classes and attributes
This extension add to Chrome Dev Tools a new XHR JSON Panel that presents the most important data sent/received in an Ajax process.
Code Cola is a chrome extension for editing online pages' css style visually.
NightLion Developer Tools theme dark
A highly customized dark theme for Devtools.
A Google Chrome extension for a developer console outside Developer Tools
Live preview of CSS/Less/Sass code changes. Auto-save file, autocomplete, Less/Sass to CSS, beautify, CSS reloader, lint, ...
Extends the Developer Tools, Panel for helping developers with AngularJS helpers.
Quick access to Chrome developer pages in the context menu.
Easily inject javascript libraries from the console