Help yourself to be more productive and save time! Block distracting or harmful sites easily! What does this extension do: - blocks URLs; - blocks Domains; - blocks URLs with keywords; - redirect blocked pages (if you want); - saves your time; - password available. Why this extension is better than other site blockers: - Totally free; - Low CPU usage; - No ads and popups; - No data collecting; - 4 color themes (red, blue, green, black); - Simple to use. Dont forget to allow the extension to run in incognito mode! If you forget your password - write me a letter!
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Block these URLs, Domains or Keywords Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Block these URLs, Domains or Keywords Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A customizable, password-protected website blocker and redirector.
Filter feeds, lists and comment sections on all websites at the same time with this universal 'key'word blocker.
Porn blocker for Chrome. Can block over 2 Mn porn websites. Can also block sites as per your preferences.
The most powerful adult porn websites blocker. Enjoy the beauty of the clean internet without worries.
Easy way to block distracting websites to prevent access while you work
YouTube™ content blocker