Book Bolt Lister - Bulk Upload Multiple Book Design Variations Easily Book Bolt Lister is available under any of the Book Bolt plans to help you upload multiple book design variations without any of the hassle. If you need to upload book design covers and are sick and tired of editing keywords, titles and descriptions every time, Book Bolt Lister has you covered. With the Book Bolt Lister, you will be able to set book profiles bound to a hotkey to quickly and efficiently select your Keywords, titles, and descriptions with a single button. Do you want to fill out the brand name, title, keywords, and description of KDP no content books? Well, with the Info profiles, all of this is just a single hotkey away. STOP wasting your time listing, and get to what really matters, research and selling more products on the KDP platform with no content book covers!
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Book Bolt Lister Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Book Bolt Lister Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
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